Sprachen 2021/2022
QUALIFIKATION Trainees completing the requirements are rewarded an internationally recognised certificate in teaching English as a Foreign Language to primary school children TRAINERINNEN UND TRAINER Lawrie Moore-Walter & Natalia Ladygina VORAUSSETZUNGEN Independent English language user (CEFR Level B1 and above) Please take our placement test and send a screenshot of the result to j.schwob@bfi.wien www.bfi.wien/kursangebot/einstufungstest/ ZIELGRUPPE ´ Primary school teachers can develop their classroom skills and teaching confidence with CELT-P. It is a practical English teaching qualification that gives teachers the relevant skills to get the best from 6-12 year-old learners. ´ The course helps teachers to create strategies for the key challenges of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), such as developing learners‘ listening and speaking abilities in large classes. ´ Teachers build on their teaching knowledge and skills, through a combination of online study and observed teaching practice with an approved trainer. ONLINEKURS Kursnummer Datum Dauer 21BTDS0069 01.10.2021–31.05.2022 Online-Live via Zoom 150 UE ORT: Online-Lernplattform BFI Wien PREIS: € 1.500,– inkl. USt. BITTE BEACHTEN ISE All applicants must complete an application form and take part in an interview with a tutor before registration. The form can be obtained from the CELT-P administrator under j.schwob@bfi.wien or found below.
The brains of infants and children are tuned to understand and learn language. You want to teach English as a foreign language to primary school children? With the CELT-P qualification, primary school teachers develop their classroom skills and teaching confidence. The 150-hour course combines online study and teaching practice and gives you the relevant skills to get the best from 6-12 year-old learners. INHALT CELT-P is a 150-hour course, which combines online study and teaching practice. You can see descriptions of each course component below. There are 27 hours of additional material for teachers to extend and practise what they have learned during the online course, which is delivered face-to-face in a webinar. Nine online modules (120 hours) ´ Key concepts and principles ´ A range of activities that engage participants with course content ´ Regular progress tests to check learning Face-to-face webinar (27 hours) ´ Extension of the online materials ´ Practice activities and support A practical written task for each online module ´ A range of tasks in which participants apply their online learning in their classroom
Teaching recorded observations (3 hours) ´ Developmental feedback from trainers ´ Consolidation of online learning NUTZEN UND KARRIEREMÖGLICHKEIT
The CELT-P course helps teachers to: ´ improve their classroom teaching ´ successfully deliver lessons according to the curriculum ´ apply their learning to classroom situations.
WAFF Bildungskonto Mit dem waff Bildungskonto werden Wienerinnen und Wiener bei beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildungen mit € 300,– bis maximal € 3.000,– unterstützt. Die Höhe Ihres Job-Gut-Habens hängt von der gewählten Ausbildung ab, ob Sie derzeit arbeitslos oder beschäftigt sind und ist nach Einkommensgrenzen gestaffelt.
AK BiG Die AKWien unterstützt ihre weiterbildungsinteressierten Mitglieder mit einem eigenen „Bildungsgutschein“. Gutscheine sind immer nur von 01.01. bis 31.12. des Jahres gültig und haben einen Wert von € 120,–. Eltern in Karenz erhalten einen Gutschein imWert von € 170,–.
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